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Ironlang is an Stack based esolang thought up by User: Froginstarch


Instruction Description Example
func Creates a user defined function
 func add + . ; 
. Prints top value from the stack
"hi" . 
< pop top value off the stack
 2 3 < .
if(cond) .. else .. ; takes top 2 values and a condition. if true, run if block. if false, run else block.
3 2 if(=) . else 1 ret ; 
ret takes top value on the stack and returns 1(fail) or 0(success)
"5 4 + 9 if (=) 0 ret else 1 ret ;
+, -, /, *, % basic maths operations. pops 2 values of the stack and performs the specified operation
 1 5 * 2 / . 
loop step .. ; performs a loop from second value on the stack to the first values on the stack
 100 1 loop step + . ; 
; ends a if block, loop block, and function definition
 100 1 loop step + . ; 
dup duplicates the top item on the stack
 10 dup + .


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frog :)