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I made some stuff :D

Whatever I put in the status column means

done Language is done, examples and all.
wip Language is work progress, like if I need to add instructions.
mld Main language is complete, just need more examples or proofs.
language description status implemented?
Brainfuck+2 Very similar to brainfuck, with the addition of 2 3 commands. It's not called Brainfuck+3 because that was taken on this wiki. done yes (3 times)
Titled Brainfuck+2, but the code is written in the interpreter's filename. The > and < commands were changed to ( and ) because angle brackets aren't allowed in filenames. done yes
Code your own instructions, lazyass A language where you have to code the instructions. You push instructions to a stack, and then the program reads instructions from the stack. I still need to check if this language is usable. wip no
Assembly Line An esolang inspired by those tycoon games on Roblox. In this language, droppers drop items which can be manipulated and moved around to do input, output, math, and more. wip no
Random-ass Turing Complete Language A stack-based language designed to be Turing-complete. I need actual proof that this is Turing-complete, and also more examples. mld almost
Mode Spam A language where you use different modes to do different things. wip no
.exe A joke language that takes a .exe file as its source code. You'll never guess how the code is executed. done yes…?
Do nothing Takes code and does nothing. Pretty boring, I know. done uh yeah
BFMacros Brainfuck but with a bunch of macros that may or may not be useful. done no
Useful brainfuck Brainfuck but with a bunch of new commands that may or may not be useful. done maybe
Timing Brainfuck+2, but you time the instructions. wip no

The "Minus" series

language description status implemented?
-Output A 2D Befunge-styled language with no standard output. done almost (+Output)
-Data Storage Another 2D language but without a data structure. No stack, tape, or heap. It's not 2D anymore because that would be very difficult to make a language when there is no data structure. wip no
+Output EXACTLY like -Output but with a standard output command. done YEAHHHH

I also contributed to these:

Test area

area where I test some stuff related to editing

help how do I get syntax highlighting <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> print("how") </syntaxhighlight>

if status == "figured how to get syntax highlighting":

I know the <pre> tag works for code but how do I get syntax highlighting here

Smallfuck to wiki table compiler on scratch

Testing this with an example program

Command number State of program(running or halted) Current symbol in program(>*>*[*<]) Tape Pointing to cell:
1 Running > 00000000 1
2 Running * 01000000 1
3 Running > 01000000 2
4 Running * 01100000 2
5 Running [ 01100000 2
6 Running * 01000000 2

well it seems like it worked